Calcium rich food list

Calcium rich food list

Calcium rich food list to know the amazing benefits of it. Calcium is a mineral and it is the most abundant mineral in the body. Our bones and teeth are nothing but made up of calcium. So to maintain healthy bones and teeth calcium is necessary. Calcium in adequate amount is very much important in our daily diet. Because it is not produced by our bodies. Hence, it is important to include it in our diet.

Calcium deficiency can lead to loss of muscle movement, nervous disorders, convulsions, loss of appetite, lethargies too. Here we will discuss the list of fruits and vegetables which are rich source of calcium mineral.

Read also: 5 Major minerals effects on your body

Calcium rich fruits



Oranges are a rich source of calcium. It can be given in juice form or pulp form. It also good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.



These are a good source of calcium. You can take in fruit form or in the form of salad. There are different kinds of berries like rasp berries, black berries, and strawberries.



Dehydrated apricots are better sources of calcium when compared to the fresh and dried ones.

Custard Apple

Custard Apple

For pregnant and lactating women it is very good source for calcium. Custard apple is a seasonable fruit so you should never miss a chance to eat.

Read also: Calcium rich foods for babies and children



It is also known as Chinese gooseberry and provides 34 mg of calcium per 100g serving. Along with calcium it also helps in increase in blood platelets.

Litchi and pineapple

Calcium rich food vegetables



About 100 grams of turnip greens generate roughly 190 milligrams of calcium. Turnip is a very rare vegetable and very difficult to get. But it has very good beneficial properties.



It good sources of calcium but are very good for your health too. Salad or vegetable curry are very good form to eat broccoli.

Read also: Amazing health benefits of green broccoli



Spinach is a very good source of calcium. It is a green leafy vegetable which also provides vitamin A.

Read also: Health Benefits of Spinach in diet daily or occasionally



Okra is a very common vegetable but it is very good source of mineral calcium. It is very good for vegetarians.



Any products of soy are very rich in calcium. Like soy milk, soy beans and tofu.

Calcium rich food dairy products for bones



Milk is one of the best and cheapest calcium sources. It is a good source of protein, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Low fat yogurt, cheese and paneer also rich source of calcium.

Other sources of calcium

Dry fruits

Dry fruits

It include almonds, cashews, dates and raisins. You can have dry fruits on daily basis. Usually sweet dishes consists of many dry fruits.

One almond with one glass of milk boost your immunity also.

Read also: Eat cashews daily and Stay healthy forever

Sea foods

Sea foods

Crabs, Shrimps, Pink Salmon and Sardines.

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