Amazing Benefits Of Kiwi For Skin, Hair, And Health: Pocket-sized powerhouse! Kiwis are small and squishy fruits, but don’t let their size fool you. This delicious tropical fruit is jam-packed with a variety of nutrients such as vitamin C vitamin A, vitamin B6, calcium, iron & magnesium that are extremely beneficial for your health. But did you know that besides being healthy, kiwi fruit benefits your skin and hair?

I bet you didn’t.

Here some best benefits of kiwi fruit, that will surely make you include kiwi in your diet, starting today.

What Is Kiwi Fruit?

Scientific Name – Actinidia deliciosa

Origin – Northern China

Season – October to December (India)

Where does kiwifruit come from? Kiwifruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry, is native to Chang Kiang Valley of China, with its cultivation dating back to the late 19th century. It is recognized as the national fruit of China. The Chinese used to prepare a tonic out of this fruit – it is that nutritious! But, it was the New Zealanders who recognized the potential of this juicy and delicious fruit. They began cultivating it for commercial purposes. The New Zealanders changed its name in 1959 to kiwi after their national bird.

A few years later, in 1963, this fuzzy fruit was first introduced in India. According to researchers, kiwi cultivation began in the Shimla district, and later spread through the nation. Currently, China, New Zealand, Italy, Greece, Chile, and France are the top kiwi cultivators in the world.

The flesh of the kiwifruit has a pretty bright green color and a distinct, yet rich flavor (a mix of sweet, tart, sour, bright, and acidic). The taste will remind you of a blend of lemon, orange, honeydew melon, and strawberries. The fruit has numerous black seeds that add a crunchy texture to this flavorful fruit.

Let’s take a look at the numerous skin, hair, and health benefits of kiwi fruit.

Best Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

K wi Fruit Benefits For Skin

We all know how beneficial vitamin C is for our skin. And that is the sole reason we buy expensive creams and serums that boast of being rich in this essential vitamin. But, these products are chemical-based and often cause more harm to our skin than benefitting it.

Go natural instead. And what can be more promising than going for a fruit that has been clinically proven to have around 92.7mg of vitamin C per 100 grams? Here’s how kiwi will help you keep your skin young and vibrant:

Benefits Of Kiwi Rejuvenates Skin

Kiwi is not only a delicious and nutrient-rich fruit but also a great natural ingredient for your skincare routine. It contains several skin-friendly nutrients like vitamins C and E and antioxidants. These are essential for boosting and rejuvenating your skin’s health.

Additionally, Kiwi is loaded with dietary fiber and antioxidants, making it an excellent laxative. Regular consumption of kiwi juice aids the body in eliminating toxins and wastes. Thus, it results in the healthy and glowing skin.

Use the following kiwi face pack to achieve glowing skin:

You Will Need

  • 1 kiwifruit
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 teaspoon honey

What You Need To Do

  1. Mash half an avocado and a kiwifruit and blend until the mixture has acquired a smooth consistency.
  2. Add one teaspoon of honey to the paste and apply it to your face and neck.
  3. Wash it off after 15 minutes with normal water.
  4. Repeat this process once a week to get a smooth and glowing skin.

Note: Alternatively, peel the kiwifruit and scrub your skin with the inside of the peel every day. The peel of the kiwifruit contains enzymes that exfoliate the dead skin cells and make your skin flawless and smooth.

Benefits Of Kiwi Aids Cell Regeneration

The high amounts of vitamin E in kiwifruit keeps the skin moisturized. It is used in the regeneration of skin cells and makes the skin supple and youthful.

Benefits Of Kiwi Keeps Skin Firm

Our skin starts losing its firmness with age, forcing us to take drastic measures to keep it intact (like opting for expensive skin products, or even surgery).

Use kiwis instead.

The application of mashed kiwifruit on the skin helps to transport important nutrients to the dermal layers of the skin, which help in maintaining its firmness.

Vitamin C, present in abundance in kiwis, is an essential ingredient required for the production of collagen. Collagen is a connective protein required for keeping the skin firm and supple. It assists in the healing of abrasion and cuts. It also prevents the skin from becoming rough and dry. So, using a kiwi pack in winters is a good way to bid goodbye to the dry and scaly skin.

You Will Need

  • A ripe kiwi
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt

What You Need To Do

  1. Blend the kiwi and
  2. Mix it with yogurt.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face.
  4. Massage your skin gently for a few minutes. Wash it off after 15 minutes.
  5. Repeat this process twice a week for best results.

Prevents Skin Diseases

The omega-3 fatty acids present in kiwi protect you from skin diseases and cancer. They also help maintain healthy cell membranes.

Benefits Of Kiwi Controls Excess Sebum Production

Who likes their face is so oily that it reflects light? But trust me, that isn’t the only problem girls with oily skin face. Add in greasiness, stickiness, and eventual acne and blackhead spurts, and there you go!

Blame the excessive sebum production.

Kiwi, thankfully, is very effective in controlling sebum production. Try this face pack:

You Will Need

  • 1 kiwi (mashed)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

What You Need To Do

  1. Mix kiwi pulp with lemon juice and apply it to your face.
  2. Massage gently and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash the pack off with cold water and let it air dry.
  4. Repeat this process twice a week to control sebum production.

Anti-aging Properties

Kiwifruit is packed with antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals that stop the process of regeneration. It scavenges the free radicals to delay the signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines.

Use almond-kiwi face pack to get rid of the signs of aging quickly.

You Will Need

  • 7-8 almonds
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/2 teaspoon gram flour

What You Need To Do

  1. Soak the almonds overnight and make a paste out of them the following day.
  2. Add mashed kiwi and gram flour to the paste and blend well.
  3. Apply this face pack evenly on your freshly washed and dried face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Wash it off using cold water.
  5. Repeat this process every week for two months to bid farewell to wrinkles.

Fights Acne

Unexpected pop-ups on the face definitely rank high on the list of mood-spoilers. Especially when you have an important event to attend, and even the heaviest of concealers are unable to mask the acne.

Kiwifruit has anti-inflammatory property. These help fight acne, thus clearing the pores to prevent further breakouts. Applying mashed kiwifruit topically on the skin can treat various forms of skin inflammations like boils, zits, pimples, and abscess.

Benefits Of Kiwi Prevents Sun Damage

Kiwi is rich in amino acids and vitamin C that fight the harmful rays of the sun and prevent sun damage. Additionally, its cooling nature helps soothe the already affected area.

For instant care, place a few slices of kiwi on the sunburned area for a cooling skin treatment.

Benefits Of Kiwi Promotes Fairness

Vitamin C in kiwifruit may also help to lighten the skin tone.

Use the following face scrub for quick results.

You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon kiwi paste
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon oatmeal
  • 2 drops kiwi seed oil

What You Need To Do

  1. Prepare a natural scrub using all the ingredients.
  2. Add a few drops of kiwifruit seed oil and stir to form a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this paste evenly on your skin and massage for 5 minutes.
  4. Wash it off after 20 minutes using normal water.
  5. Use this scrub twice every week to get an even-toned skin.

Lightens Dark Circles

With erratic work schedules, dark circles have become a common phenomenon. Almost every other female looks for a natural cure to get rid of those ugly under-eye circles.

You can defeat the dullness with the help of a small slice of kiwi.

Place a finely sliced kiwi over your eyes and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the slice and wash your face with normal water. Doing this every day will help lighten dark circles.

Kiwi Fruit Benefits For Hair

Beautiful, less frizzy hair is a dream every woman has. And the kiwifruit can help you achieve this. Let’s see how:

Benefits Of Kiwi Fights Hair Loss

Fruits rich in vitamins C and E can help fight hair loss and maintain hair health. Kiwi is replete with both of the essential vitamins. This tropical fruit contains minerals like magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus that stimulate blood circulation, thereby accelerating hair growth.

Additionally, kiwifruit is packed with iron, a nutrient required for improving hair health.

Benefits Of Kiwi Aids Collagen Formation On Scalp

Kiwifruit contains high amounts of vitamin C that contribute to the collagen formation on the scalp. Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of nutrients on the scalp, ultimately nourishing your hair.

Benefits Of Kiwi Is Good For Dry And Rough Hair

Dry and rough hair can be a pain, especially when it comes to styling.

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in kiwifruit seed oil hydrates the hair without weighing it down. The oil is best suited for dry and unruly hair.

Additionally, regular consumption of kiwi strengthens the blood vessels. This cures dry scalp conditions like dandruff and scalp eczema. It also inhibits scalp inflammation.

Benefits Of Kiwi Prevents Premature Graying

Whether you are in your 20s or 40s, gray hair can always be embarrassing.

But thankfully, nature has a solution for all.

The high amounts of copper in kiwifruit maintain the natural color of the hair, preventing premature graying.

Kiwi Fruit Benefits For Health

People are often attracted to kiwi due to its brilliant green color and exotic taste. Here are some of the best kiwi health benefits, which include the following:

Benefits Of Kiwi Helps Fight Cancer

Cancer can be a terrifying condition, and the old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ best suits the disease. I suggest you include kiwifruit in your daily diet to avoid cancer.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C that benefits us by scavenging the free radicals that otherwise damage the skin cells, and can even lead to skin cancer. Just a single kiwi can meet 77% of your daily vitamin C requirement, which is a lot. In fact, kiwi is known to contain more vitamin C than an orange and lemon combined.

Also, having kiwis religiously can help prevent colon cancer. The flesh of this delicious fruit contains soluble fiber that helps promote the growth of good bacteria in the colon, reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Benefits Of Kiwi Good For Digestive System

Kiwifruit corrects any imbalance in our digestive system by nourishing it and acting as a prebiotic element.

In addition, this tropical fruit also contains actinidin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins and aids protein digestion.

Aids Weight Loss

Wondering, how kiwi fruit benefits for weight loss? Well, kiwi is the perfect solution if you are conscious about your weight, but at the same time, don’t want to compromise on the taste of your food. So, how many calories in a kiwi? 100 grams of kiwi contains only 55 calories, and its distinct taste can be enjoyed by anyone. It also contains soluble fiber that promotes fullness, thereby reducing your hunger pangs.

Prevents Respiratory Disorders

Vitamin C intake is usually suggested to those suffering from respiratory diseases like asthma or chronic cough. And kiwi, being super-rich in this essential nutrient, is a must-have for anyone suffering from such respiratory ailments.

It soothes the respiratory tract, controlling symptoms like wheezing and nasal blockage. In fact, a study published in Thorax proved that those having 5 to 7 servings of kiwi per week have a 44% decrease in wheezing when compared to those taking only one serving per week. Similarly, shortness of a breath and chronic cough were found to have reduced by 32% and 25% respectively. Those who had asthma benefited the most out of the fruit, with their symptoms getting reduced by a whopping 50%

Benefits Of Kiwi Controlling Diabetes

Is kiwi good for diabetics? Thankfully, kiwi is one of those fruits they can have without worrying about their health due to its high fiber and fructose content.

The glycemic index of kiwi is extremely low (only 53), and this prevents the instant rise in blood sugar levels. Additionally, kiwi contains inositol, an enzyme that helps keep the blood sugar levels in control.

Benefits Of Kiwi Prevents Macular Degeneration

Studies have shown that including kiwifruit in the diet reduces the risk of macular degeneration.

This tropical fruit is abundant in lutein (171 milligrams in every 100 grams of kiwifruit), an essential carotenoid antioxidant that helps promote eye health. This quantity is definitely higher than most other fruits, making kiwi essential for maintaining eye health.

Other than that, kiwi is rich in vitamin A (1 gram in every 100 grams), which also benefits the eyes.

Benefits Of Kiwi Heart Health

When taken regularly, kiwi can help protect our heart from potential damage.

Apart from having no cholesterol, this fruit contains potassium (312 milligrams per 100 grams) that is known to aid in the blood thinning and clot removal processes, eventually lowering the pressure on the blood vessels. It also raises the levels of HDL in the blood Additionally, kiwi is known to lower the triglyceride levels in the blood, further improving the blood fat profile. Kiwi also contains quercetin, a polyphenol antioxidant that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

In a study conducted, participants who consumed 2 to 3 kiwifruits per day over a span of 28 days saw an 18% dip in their platelet aggregation response when compared to those eating fewer or no kiwis. They also saw a 15% reduction in their triglyceride (blood fats) levels.

Overall, having kiwifruit daily is a great way to maintain cardiovascular health.

Benefits Of Kiwi Prevents Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Those suffering from IBS should definitely go for kiwifruit.

A study conducted on people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) showed that eating two to three kiwifruits daily for a month can control the bowel movement This is due to the high fiber and actinidin content of kiwifruit.

Benefits Of Kiwi Treats Constipation

Constipation is a troublesome condition that is linked to adverse colon health and is usually seen in the elderly and those with poor eating habits.

Kiwifruit, being a natural laxative, is a known cure for constipation. Several studies have proved that having two kiwis every day is beneficial for frequent and less painful bowel movements.

Benefits Of Kiwi Boosts Mood

Having a bowl of kiwis is a good solution to beat that bad mood and frustration.

This tropical fruit is high in serotonin, which helps boost memory, learning, as well as mood. Its regular consumption is said to regulate your appetite and facilitate sleep. Having kiwi is a good way to keep depression at bay.

A study showed that the serotonin in kiwi increased sleep efficiency by an impressive 15% – and hence, kiwi might be the solution to beat your insomnia. Additionally, kiwi can even help you be alert in the mornings – a healthier option than coffee or tea.

Benefits Of Kiwi Bone Maintenance And Repair

Those with weak and fragile bones should consider adding kiwis to their diet.

This fruit is particularly high in vitamin K and calcium – minerals essential for bone health. They also help reduce the risk of bone injuries and osteoporosis.

Benefits Of Kiwi Antifungal And Antibacterial Capabilities

Kiwifruit, especially the seeds, have shown to contain antifungal as well as antibacterial capabilities in multiple studies.  Actinidin, a protein found in the flesh of golden kiwi, renders the fruit its antifungal capabilities.

Benefits Of Kiwi Helps Manage Blood Pressure

As explained earlier, kiwi’s high potassium content helps balance electrolytes by counteracting the effects of sodium on our body.

Hence, kiwifruit can be beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure.

Benefits Of Kiwi Boosts Your Immunity

The vitamin C content of kiwi can help strengthen your immunity.

Kiwi also contains a high quantity of antioxidant compounds and vitamin E, which help increase your body’s T-cell count, further contributing to a stronger immune system

Benefits Of Kiwi Creates Alkaline Balance In The Body

Did you know that kiwi is the most alkaline of all fruits?

The rich minerals in kiwi help neutralize the excess acidity in your stomach, relieving you from the discomfort and nausea that come with it. But this balance isn’t just limited to stomach health. Acid/alkaline balance promotes youthful skin, good sleep, abundant energy, and a strong immune system.

Benefits Of Kiwi For Pregnancy

This amazing fruit is particularly good for the would-be moms, giving them the required nutrition and reducing the chances of miscarriage.

Kiwi helps in transferring the important vitamins from a pregnant woman to her child. This prevents birth defects like spina bifida, a condition where the spinal cord does not develop completely.

Additionally, kiwi is rich in folate, a nutrient that is most critical for your baby’s health and development in the womb. Folate stimulates cell production and maintenance. It also ensures a healthy development of the vital organs of the body.

Not only for pregnant women, is kiwi fruit also a must-have for those women who are looking forward to conceiving.

The high vitamin C content of kiwi helps provide the much-required immunity to the unborn child. This fruit also helps form neurotransmitters that are important for proper brain functioning.

Kiwi has natural sugars that can fulfill your cravings for sweet foods without harming your fetus. It has a low glycemic index, thereby preventing a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. And looking at the high probabilities of gestational diabetes, kiwi is beneficial for would-be moms with a diabetes risk.

With pregnancy comes the intense hormonal fluctuations that may make you feel happy, sad, angry and frustrated – all at the same time. No worries, as the serotonin present in kiwi helps balance even the weirdest of mood swings.

Benefits Of Kiwi For Babies

A kiwifruit is also a good option for babies. With its high content of vitamin C and other essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and sodium, it can offer several benefits to the child.

One serving of kiwi offers 230% percent of the daily vitamin C requirement for babies, which helps boost the immune system, increases iron absorption, and also helps heal wounds.

This fruit provides relief from constipation due to its high fiber content. It is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants that further reduce the risk of several chronic illnesses like heart diseases. Kiwis also contain essential phytonutrients that help repair DNA, and thus offer protection against cancer. Having kiwis daily can help reduce the chances of contracting asthma. Kiwi also lowers the fat levels in the blood, and the fruit is generally beneficial for a healthy body.

If you are willing to introduce this amazing fruit to your baby, do so when they are between 8-10 months old. As kiwi has quite an acidic nature, acting otherwise might harm their delicate system.

Benefits Of Kiwi Liver Health

Kiwi is one of the best solutions for those suffering from liver disorders.

As mentioned earlier, this fruit contains more vitamin C than lemons and oranges combined, and hence, helps protect our liver from potential damage. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges the harmful free radicals and helps in cell regeneration, thus being beneficial to our liver. This is important because the liver is the only organ that is capable of replacing the damaged tissues with newer and healthier cells.

Benefits Of Kiwi Dengue Fever

This tangy fruit works like magic to fight the effects of dengue fever when nothing else might seem to work.

A study conducted on dengue patients showed that those consuming at least two to three kiwifruits daily showed a drastic increase in their platelet count as compared to those consuming fewer or no kiwis. Other kiwi benefits are its ideal calorie count and an exquisite taste (acts as a flavorful food substitute, which comes as a relief to a dengue patient, who generally faces severe food restrictions). Having kiwi also helps replenish the lost energy levels, further helping you recover in no time.

Benefits Of Kiwi Improvers Hemoglobin Levels In The Blood

Kiwi is an excellent option for anemics, helping them get their hemoglobin levels back on track.

A cup of kiwi contains a total of 0.56 milligrams of iron, which is 3 percent of the suggested daily requirement of iron for a healthy woman. As we all know, iron plays a vital role in the production and maintenance of red blood cells and energy metabolism. It also aids in neurological development.

A nice trick to get the best out of a kiwi is to pair it with foods that promote iron uptake and avoid the foods that have iron-inhibiting properties.

Benefits Of Kiwi Mouth Ulcers

Kiwi is recommended to those who have serious cases of canker sores, a painful condition where boils appear on the inner walls of the mouth or tongue. This condition also causes difficulty while eating salty or spicy food, or even while drinking water.

Kiwifruit, with its high vitamin C content, is known to soothe the boils and improve the condition within a few days.

Selection And Storage

Kiwifruit season begins in August and lasts until November. Kiwi is a small fruit and is around 3 inches in diameter. The average weight of a kiwifruit is 4 ounces. The flesh has a creamy consistency with an invigorating taste.

Keep these points in mind while kiwi shopping to pick only the best ones:

  • While purchasing kiwi, select a firm fruit with rough and fuzzy skin.
  • Press the skin of the kiwi slightly to check its ripeness. The skin should yield to gentle pressure.
  • Do not purchase kiwifruits that have blemishes, gashes or cuts.
  • Avoid purchasing kiwifruits that do not yield to gentle pressure – as this implies the fruits haven’t completely ripened yet.
  • Place an unripe kiwi with a banana to ripen it completely.
  • Kiwis can be stored at room temperature for five days if they are slightly unripe.
  • Ripe kiwifruits should be wrapped in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator to prevent moisture loss.
  • Kiwifruits can last for almost 6 months if stored in a plastic bag (with pinholes, for air circulation) in the refrigerator.
  • The fruit can be frozen by peeling and covering them with sugar syrup mixed with ascorbic acid.
  • Frozen kiwi can be stored for eight months at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • While using kiwifruit, peel the skin and scoop out the flesh using a spoon.
  • You can also slice the kiwifruit after peeling it. An egg slicer can help you make perfectly symmetrical kiwifruit rounds.
  • Rinse the kiwifruit well before eating.
  • The skin of the kiwifruit is edible and full of nutrients and fiber.
  • Kiwifruits should be consumed immediately as they turn very soft if kept out for a longer time.
  • Remember, add kiwi to salads only at the last minute to prevent other fruits from becoming too soggy.

How To Eat Kiwi Fruit?

The kiwifruit may look unpalatable at the first glance, but beneath the hairy brown exterior lies emerald green flesh with a flavor reminiscent of strawberries and pineapple. It is so delicious that it can be eaten all alone without adding anything else. Following are some of the kiwifruit uses as delightful eatables:

  • The bright green flesh, speckled with tiny black seeds, can add a dramatic flair to any fruit salad.
  • Add kiwi fruit along with strawberry chunks to oatmeal, cereal, brown rice, and couscous.
  • You can also add kiwi chunks to chicken, turkey or shrimp salad for a sweet and tasty treat. This slightly tart fruit works equally well in savoury dishes.
  • Kiwifruit is also used in the preparation of cheesecake, muffins, cake, juice, jam, syrup, and jellies.
  • Serve sliced kiwifruit with ice cream, yogurt, and custard.
  • You can also blend kiwi and cantaloupe in a food processor to make a chilled soup.
  • Kiwifruit contains an active compound called actinidin that helps in tenderizing meat products. Marinate chicken breast in mashed kiwifruit for about 20 minutes to soften it.
  • Kiwifruit is used in the preparation of New Zealand’s popular dessert Pavlova.
  • Take 1 peeled and chopped kiwifruit, ½ cup of sliced strawberries, and 1 cup of yogurt to make a delicious smoothie.
  • Toss chopped kiwifruit with mixed greens, olive oil, vinegar, fat-free feta cheese, and grilled chicken for a tasty salad.
  • You can also add kiwifruit to chutneys and salsa sauce as an accompaniment to fish dishes.

Kiwi Fruit Side Effects

While kiwi is definitely safe to consume, a few cases of allergies have come to light. So, let’s take a look at a few risk factors that come with this fruit:

  • Allergy – A kiwi allergy, while being less severe than nut allergies, can cause a serious reaction in a few individuals. Generally, the allergy is characterized by diarrhea, mild swelling, stomachache, and itching in the mouth. In severe cases, it might cause allergic shock. If that’s the case, it’s best to visit a doctor immediately This allergic reaction is found out to be more common in kids than in adults.Additionally, people allergic to pollen, latex, and grass are more likely to be allergic to kiwifruit
  • Mouth Irritation – Going overboard with kiwi may cause mouth irritation due to its high acidic content. This irritation is caused by tiny, needle-like calcium oxalate crystals and actinidin
  • Diarrhea – While kiwi is used as a natural laxative due to its high fiber content, its overuse may cause severe diarrhea.
  • Reactions With Medications – Those on beta-blockers should avoid taking more than one kiwi per day as it might alter the potassium levels to the point of high risk. This unexpected elevation in potassium levels may harm the kidneys.
  • Blood Clotting – Kiwi has shown to slow the blood-clotting process in several individuals, and this factor could cause severe damage to those who have bleeding disorders. Additionally, if you are going for surgery, it’s better you stop consuming kiwis at least two weeks before the scheduled date.

So far you have known the amazing benefits of eating kiwi fruit, now know kiwi fruit nutrition data.

Kiwi Nutrition Facts

Here you will know nutritional value of kiwi fruit:

Kiwifruit, fresh (Note: “–” indicates data unavailable)
1.00 2 inches (69.00 g) GI: low
nutrient amount DRI/DV (%)
Protein 0.79 g 2
Carbohydrates 10.12 g 4
Fat – total 0.36 g
Dietary Fiber 2.07 g 8
Calories 42.09 2
nutrient amount DRI/DV (%)
Starch — g
Total Sugars 6.20 g
Monosaccharides 5.95 g
Fructose 3.00 g
Glucose 2.84 g
Galactose 0.12 g
Disaccharides 0.23 g
Lactose 0.00 g
Maltose 0.13 g
Sucrose 0.10 g
Soluble Fiber — g
Insoluble Fiber — g
Other Carbohydrates 1.84 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.03 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.20 g
Saturated Fat 0.02 g
Trans Fat 0.00 g
Calories from Fat 3.23
Calories from Saturated Fat 0.18
Calories from Trans Fat 0.00
Cholesterol 0.00 mg
Water 57.32 g
nutrient amount DRI/DV (%)
Water-Soluble Vitamins
B-Complex Vitamins
Vitamin B1 0.02 mg 2
Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 2
Vitamin B3 0.24 mg 2
Vitamin B3 (Niacin Equivalents) 0.41 mg
Vitamin B6 0.04 mg 2
Vitamin B12 0.00 mcg 0
Biotin — mcg
Choline 5.38 mg 1
Folate 17.25 mcg 4
Folate (DFE) 17.25 mcg
Folate (food) 17.25 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 0.13 mg 3
Vitamin C 63.96 mg 85
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A (Retinoids and Carotenoids)
Vitamin A International Units (IU) 60.03 IU
Vitamin A mcg Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) 3.00 mcg (RAE) 0
Vitamin A mcg Retinol Equivalents (RE) 6.00 mcg (RE)
Retinol mcg Retinol Equivalents (RE) 0.00 mcg (RE)
Carotenoid mcg Retinol Equivalents (RE) 6.00 mcg (RE)
Alpha-Carotene 0.00 mcg
Beta-Carotene 35.88 mcg
Beta-Carotene Equivalents 35.88 mcg
Cryptoxanthin 0.00 mcg
Lutein and Zeaxanthin 84.18 mcg
Lycopene 0.00 mcg
Vitamin D
Vitamin D International Units (IU) 0.00 IU 0
Vitamin D mcg 0.00 mcg
Vitamin E
Vitamin E mg Alpha-Tocopherol Equivalents (ATE) 1.01 mg (ATE) 7
Vitamin E International Units (IU) 1.50 IU
Vitamin E mg 1.01 mg
Vitamin K 27.81 mcg 31
nutrient amount DRI/DV (%)
Boron — mcg
Calcium 23.46 mg 2
Chloride 26.91 mg
Chromium — mcg
Copper 0.09 mg 10
Fluoride — mg
Iodine — mcg
Iron 0.21 mg 1
Magnesium 11.73 mg 3
Manganese 0.07 mg 4
Molybdenum — mcg
Phosphorus 23.46 mg 3
Potassium 215.28 mg 6
Selenium 0.14 mcg 0
Sodium 2.07 mg 0
Zinc 0.10 mg 1

So yes – kiwi could be one of those foods your plate is missing right now. Add it to your diet and see yourself transforming into a healthier individual!


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